Sunday, October 18, 2009

Take That, Dick Cheney!

Last week, in his first successful piece of legislation, freshman Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) persuaded the Senate to approve a measure banning federal contracts with defense companies that use mandatory binding arbitration clauses in employment contracts that prevent sexual assault victims from suing. The measure not only proves once again that elections matter, but it also comes as a major rebuke to none other than former Vice President Dick Cheney. MORE HERE.

Rape case to force US defence firms into the open

Senate passes measure prompted by case of woman prevented from suing over alleged rape by Halliburton/KBR colleagues

Jamie Leigh Jones

Jamie Leigh Jones testifying in Washington in 2007. Photograph: Greg Nash/AP

US defence firms are to be barred from lucrative government contracts if they refuse to allow employees access to the courts, after a woman working for a Halliburton subsidiary in Iraq was prevented from taking legal action over an alleged gang rape by fellow workers. MORE HERE.

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